Show weather change over time of day (hourly)


More detailed, not necessarily more space. Use colors to show varying weather (grayed out fog area for night time). Not just ‘accordioning’ down with the hourly details.

Viewed completely in one view and absorbed subconsciously. A lot more to a day’s weather than just a sun, clouds, or rain. Could be sunny in the am, rain in the early afternoon, and clear in the evening. This needs to be shown (example, iPhone going to hourly. This takes up too much space).

Show the amount of precipitation (weighted based on probability of precipitation 40% x 1 in = 0.40 inches of snow)

Show weather in color bands. Either vertically or horizontally. Kuler colors, maybe five colors

Mixed precip
(amount of precipitation weighted).


Temperature: Just show the highs and low.

Laptop Light

For all the computers without the backlit keyboard, provide a simple usb keyboard light that snaps to the computer. Maybe secured via a tape like sticker, making it flush with the surface of the keyboard and secure.

Festival isles

Red right return lights for returning down the isle. Green for going out. People want to know where they are, provide them simple cues to understand.

Integrate speakers (micro) and lights.

Liquid Armor

Shear-thickening fluids (obleck) sandwiched between kevlar. When struck by a bullet, the locking together of the molecules spreads the load across a wider area. Generally bullet proof vests are made of 30 layers of kevlar, testing with just 10.

Create your own snack food


Create any mix that you want. Sell cereal in these shops too. Free cereal with purchase of $6 in snacks.

Avoid the need to ship in small quantities. Prepackage in resealable biodegradable containers.

Lots of snacks that we don’t have access to, new and unusual. Maybe better. Mary’s Thai snacks. All custom.

Organized and purchased online, just pick them up. All in resealable biodegradable containers.

Wasabi peas, sesame sticks, yogurt pretzels, no msg corn nuts.

Watch on silicon livestrong band

Simple watch on silicon livestrong band (Lance Armstrong band). Small and super compact, without a buckle (weakest point and bad for typing). Still provide a wide range of info.

Integrate it with the Travel Logic minus ion bracelet. LDC watches.

Silicon watch, but flatter. Food grade silicon mats (Modern Twist placemats)

Floor Mat

For entry system and security. Have it activate an outside light that stays on for 15 minutes. Better yet, use key fob to know who you are and turn lighting system and locks open before you get there.

Security and use.

Airport Pods

Rethinking airport transportation. Airport pods. Bring pods to the planes that take you to your destination. No more cleaning planes or rushing to board planes. No more walking miles to planes

Get on a pod at a central transportation hub. Pod travels to the plane. Loaded into plane with windows / view unobstructed. Plane flies to destination. Opposite.

Foot stretcher

Concave into lower point in center. Reverse the arch of the foot.

On a warm rock.

Use a small carved stone to do the stretch. Also just a concave stone for relaxation. Warm and cold.

HTML5 Video Players

Custom control over video player actions and controls. Instead of various flash installations all with their own defaults (start on open, buffering, play farther than buffer, etc.) enable the user to control all of this based on needs and just send the file as locally available as possible.